EDC3100 ICT Blog

A preservice teacher discovering ICT

Staff meetings — June 13, 2016

Staff meetings

Whilst on prac like Lucy I had to attend staff meetings, although I did not really want to, had to. At staff meetings at the school its like a little party.Staff meetings happen weekly and the principals gets food from the local pub just down the road. In regards to attending found the second meeting quite interesting in regards to relating to students with ADHD. It was directly related to the students and what can be done in order to support these students. Although I did not have any students in my class and it was interesting to find out the facts around the schools in the community. It wasn’t just any teacher speaking, it was a guest speaker that had been invited to come and talk. She consistently enforced that she is available to contact if their were any queries on any students at the school. She spoke for two and half hours! It was dark when I left the school that day! I was able to drive home with high beams on! It was an experience and can see how it can be directly related to the school.

Work Load —

Work Load

While on prac i also had a huge work load like Maddy. My mentor felt like she was doing nothing and I was doing everything. She felt quite bad. But I felt fine and she felt that I was handling the work load really well and I was coping. She expected me to teach from the C2c and just follow the plan. Although I followed it quite well there were times I had to go away from the C2c and teach for individualised experience for the students. My mentor gave great feedback and said that was wonderful how i new when they needed a different experience or needed it explained in a different way.


Assignment 3 —

Assignment 3

Like Tahnee I’m in my final stages of completing assignment 3. And as per Monique’s posts about feeling confident about submitting an assignment and then only finding out that you have only just passed I know this feeling quite well like Tahnee and Monique.With assignments for this subject I have been quite surprised in finding out the marks. They have all been quite positive and now I only need  get a very small percentage. So thankfully I hope I will be able to pass this subject no worries.

ICT in the classroom — June 12, 2016

ICT in the classroom

ICT failed for me most the time in the classroom, and like my mentor it happens to her. The interactive whiteboard rarely works and the principal came in and said “we need to get this fixed, only classroom in the school that isn’t working properly”, he attempted to get it working, but now it is not working at all. I feel as though I got through it okay and the students still received the required information that was needed. This article I found while searching to see if any other teachers had the same problem.  All about the teacher hating IWB. Although I do not hate the IWB but feel strongly towards disliking them as they do not work when you require them!

3 weeks completed — June 7, 2016

3 weeks completed

I have now complete a 3 week PE with my 3/4 class. Only a very small school have learnt a great deal of information and picked on various techniques. Of a school consisting of only 82 students, it has been an eye opener. ICT failed for me most the time in the classroom, and like my mentor it happens to her. The principal came in and said “we need to get this fixed, only classroom in the school that isn’t working”, he did his best attempt to get it working, but now it is not working at all. The school now believes they will need an tech man to come in and fix all the schools tech from computers to IWB and he will need to be here for a week staff have been joking.

Last Week — May 30, 2016

Last Week

On to my last week of professional experience of a 3 week prac. It has gone so quickly. I have been trying to organise everything in preparation for submitting assignments on the first week back after prac, lets just say it has not been real successful. Having to think about the work and plan it for the students as well as assignments, its becoming real time managing affair. Hopefully I will make it through. Also have bee reviewing the PE booklet to ensure I’m am meeting as many requirements as I can.

Professional Experience —

Professional Experience

On my first day on professional experience, I realised that the school is a very small school. It only consists of 80 students, with four classes. (straight prep,1/ 2, 3/ 4 and 5/ 6). It is a very small school and all students get along with each other quite well. The classroom that I’m in is a 3/4 class room with 21 students.

I have two mentor for this prac, one does Monday and Tuesday and the other does Wednesday through to Friday. I had previously met my mentor that does Wednesday through till Friday and she was very helpful in providing details about the class and expectations. I had not met the other mentor until my first day, due not being able to catch up at a suitable time to suit us both.

First Lesson. First Day. —

First Lesson. First Day.

I had not met my first mentor previously and the first lesson that she gave to me to teach without any notice was the English Assessment (Comprehensive exam) on my first day of being at the school. I had no idea about what book they were reading. But the lesson went ahead and students seemed to have a fairly good idea about what was expected. I was prepared to let the students go ahead and do the comprehension exam individually, but had not been told that the students work step by step through majority of subjects. So the exam went through Teacher (me), asking the and reading the questions aloud, giving students time to respond and going onto the next questions. Students that are comfortable readers went ahead of the class and completed the questions individually. This was an eye opener to realise that the exam is not done under exam conditions of what I expected.

Dad….will never learn. — May 14, 2016

Dad….will never learn.

Well no change with my dad and technology. Today it was “Carleigh I need you to show me how to send a message”. This is becoming a very daily occurrence with dad apparently needing to send messages to all his ‘friends’ I guess you would call them.

I like to think dad will one day be able to use Facebook or his phone or any piece of messaging item or equipment with out any help but I think I will be waiting for the day to come for a very long time.

I feel like  I have written all this before and it is because I have, Dad just will never learn.

Workplace and Computers — April 29, 2016

Workplace and Computers

Today I was at work and have come to realise how much we rely of the computing system. It tell us how much we have in stock, the way we charge customers for there products, sending rosters out and is responsible for paying us and so much more. When we have a register go down with a computer, that register is unavailable till we get a technician from out of town in, or we have to swap computers around, which is too much of hassle and never happens because there are 10 other registers available usually.

And just today at work I was talking to customer and she gave a big sigh and I said long day and she replied with “Been fighting with the computer all day at work, I’m glad it over!”. This just goes to show how much workplaces rely on computers and the do have there negatives like everything does.

I found this article on negative effects of computers in the workplace and the first negative effect is breakdowns and don’t we all just know it.